AI and data analytics in health care – Use Case Workshop in Finland

Turun yliopisto – University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences and VTT organized with great success a physical Workshop on 4th April 2024 entitled “AI and data analytics in health care – PHASE IV AI project’s use case workshop”.

The aim of the workshop was to collectively gather feedback on PHASE IV AI solutions from different stakeholder groups and potential users of the project’s outcomes.

The main objective of Phase4AI-EUProject is to generate privacy compliant, individual-level health data for development of innovative health technologies, which may be utilized by cross-border stakeholders. The Health Data Hub will provide both Data as a Service (DaaS) and Model as a Service (MaaS) solutions in a data market. The developments of Phase4AI-EUProject will be validated in three real-life use cases in relevant high impact diseases comprising of Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Ischemic Stroke.

The specific workshop was focused on Prostate Cancer and Ischemic Stroke use cases, while additional events will be organized in Finland, and by Phase4AI-EUProject partners in other countries as well.